Women's Weight Loss

Online Weightloss Nutritionist & Mindset Coach

Nutrition and Mindset For Effective & Sustainable Weight Loss

Hi, I’m Sonya Reynolds, a Sydney-based nutritionist and mindset coach specialising in weight loss for women. My holistic approach combines evidence-based nutrition with mindset and lifestyle. I prioritise creating healthy relationships with food based on your individual nutritional needs while addressing any underlying deficiencies or health concerns that may be impeding your weight loss.

No matter where you are on your weight loss journey, how many failed fat loss plans you’ve tried, or how frustrated you may be feeling, I am here to help you achieve real and sustainable weight loss with simple and easy-to-implement dietary and lifestyle changes. 

Together we will look at how you eat, why you eat what you eat, and the drivers of your weight gain. Using the information from testing and our consultations I will provide a customised program to get you on track to a healthier, more confident you!

Women's weight loss nutritionist Sonya Reynolds

How Am I Different from Other Weight Loss Programs?

Certified Nutritionist

As a degree-certified nutritionist with over 16 years of experience, I’ve helped hundreds of women to meet their weight loss goals and keep it off.

Food For Life

No more yo-yo dieting, I will help you find a style of eating real food where you aren’t hungry or restricted and love what you eat so you can stick with it for life!


My clinical programs are research-backed to give you reliable, safe and effective weight loss without the gimmicks.

Tailored Programs

I will assess each individual based on testing and our consultations and customise a solution to suit their specific needs and goals.


I’m dedicated to helping my clients understand the cause or contributing factors of their weight gain and the role food and lifestyle play in losing weight and keeping it off.

Mindset Coaching

I will help you achieve a positive mindset, overcome limiting beliefs and break negative habits to unlock long-term weight loss and a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Join My Fat Loss Kickstart

Kickstart your weight loss journey with a customised fat loss program tailored to your specific needs and goals

Finding the Cause and Removing the Blocks to Fat Loss

The importance of investigating and understanding the contributing causes of your weight gain or any underlying health issues that may be blocking you from losing weight can not be overstated. 

I will screen you for a number of common health issues including hormone imbalance, thyroid issues, excessive stress, sleep issues and the health of your digestive system. Problems in these areas can effectively block your ability to lose weight. You may also be encountering your Set Point Weight where your body is actively trying to maintain a higher weight than you’re comfortable with.

If you are shown to have any of these common conditions they are addressed as part of my program. Removing any obstacles that may have held you back in the past is crucial for setting you up to succeed in your weight loss journey.

Sydney weight loss nutritionist Sonya Reynolds


Nutritionist, Life Coach and Mum

BA; Dip Nutrition – Grad Cert; Nutrition – Beautiful You Life Coach

My interest in nutrition was sparked by a deep desire to help people heal themselves. Through my 16 years working in Nutrition and Natural Health, the ability to help people achieve real and often life-changing results has been very rewarding.

I believe in a holistic approach combining nutrition and wellness for natural health and well-being. I give personal, individualised advice on how to eat, feel better and achieve your goals.

Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures and I love helping people repair and refine their relationship with what they eat, that not only results in weight loss but a healthier body and mindset.

A Holistic Approach to Weight Loss for Busy Women

Degree certified, highly experienced, and available with the ease and convenience of a video or voice call – Personalised weight loss guidance from a specialist nutritionist has never been easier!

My online weight loss consultations can be planned for a time that suits you. I offer early morning and evening consults (before or after work and school) to make sure we can find time to work on your health and well-being goals.

Book a Free, no-obligation 15-minute introduction chat so we can get to know each other and decide if we’d be a good fit for working together



Do you specialise in any specific diets?

Yes! I’m highly experienced in both the Ketogenic and Modified Atkins styles of eating and have seen great results in using them for weight loss. I am also very experienced in low-fat and lower-carb diets which can be very effective under the right circumstances. Every person’s weight loss journey is unique and I will always recommend a style of eating that is specifically tailored to the individual.

Do you use intermittent fasting?

Yes! In the right circumstances, intermittent fasting (IF) can be really beneficial, but it’s important that it’s implemented and monitored by an experienced practitioner to ensure the best results. IF isn’t right for everyone so I judge my client’s suitability on a case-by-case basis.

What about exercise?

Exercise and increasing our physical activity levels should play a major role in any weight loss regime. In my opinion, all women should be doing some form of weight-bearing exercise for muscle gain and fat loss.

I can recommend you a personal trainer (Sydney only) to suit your unique goals and personality to help you achieve your weight loss goals. If you’re already working with a PT I can work directly with them also.

I already eat healthily and exercise, so why can’t I lose weight?

There could be any number of reasons why you’re struggling to lose weight and I cover my Top 7 Nutrition and Lifestyle Mistakes in the linked post. If you feel like you’re doing everything right and you’re not seeing the results, I highly encourage you to reach out to me for a free 15-minute chat to discuss. 

I’ve helped many people in your situation so don’t give up hope, there is an answer and I can help you find it!

Do you provide meal plans?

Yes! I will provide meal planners and shopping lists as part of a weight loss program. Fundamentally, my goal is to educate you and guide you towards a style of eating that promotes weight loss but is also a long-term change that you can stick to and enjoy! By improving your understanding of food and your relationship with it, along with mindset coaching to overcome limiting beliefs and break negative habits, meal plans should hopefully only be a temporary measure to get you on the right track.


Sydney, NSW