Keto for Families:

Real Food for Brain Health



This program was born from frustration.

Frustration that diet therapy was often dismissed by doctors and specialists (when it is a gamechanger for neurological conditions!).

Frustration that families were not given the support that was needed when using diet therapy for their children’s health.

Frustration that there seemed to be a ton of confusing misinformation going around social media sites like Instagram and TikTok.

Frustration that parents felt like the only option was medication and nothing else.

I understand that the most overwhelming part of adjusting a family’s diet is the implementation.

The questions that arise.

The challenges that pop up.

The adjustment of meal prepping, grocery shopping and cooking in a different way.

The need for support and connection throughout the journey.

How do I know this?

I’ve been there. I’ve been the overwhelmed mum who was desperate to do anything to help my daughter when she developed epilepsy. To adjust things from all angles so she could have the best life possible.

Through trial and error and a ton of lessons learnt, I successfully changed our family’s eating habits over to a ketogenic diet which then morphed into the Modified Atkins Diet (MAD).

It had an incredible impact, not just on my daughter but on everyone in the family.

So I want this for you, too.

Get the support YOU need.
Be part of a community
of likeminded families wanting to optimise their kids and their families health
Work closely with an expert
who is also a busy mum and knows the struggles of day-to-day family life
Be held in this safety net
whilst you try new things – experimenting with changes and having support each step of the way
Celebrate your wins
not just with your family, but others who are journeying this path with you

When Sonya started her Keto for Families Program I couldn’t wait to join. It has given me so much insight, not only learning from Sonya but from other parents.

My picky eater was no match for Sonya, always coming to the rescue with new and different ideas to change up the way we’re doing things at home. These things can be as simple as a supermarket swap, one brand over another or a simple check of the ingredient list.

With the program being a small group, it has been so nurturing, supportive and we get so much knowledge and personalised treatment quickly so we can put it into practice straight away.

I highly recommend this group, even if you’re just starting to think about implementing Keto/MAD, you can do it slowly like I am and implement the parts that suit your family, even small changes can make a big difference, and Sonya’s support is truly invaluable!


I’ve recently been participating in the online Keto for Families program, and want to say a big thank you to Sonya for the practical support and wealth of resources. It can be stressful and overwhelming making changes to food habits that have been easy and convenient for so long (especially when they need to be approved by mini food critics, aka the kids!), and as Mums we can feel like we’re taking the brunt of it!

Sonya’s expertise is unique in that she’s a Mother herself, has walked the path of health challenges with her own family AND her clinical experience as a nutritionist. Sonya’s genuine determination to see you succeed means she is willing to adapt and evolve her approach to get the best outcome for your family.

I would recommend this program to anyone who doesn’t know where to start and needs some extra support applying practical strategies straight away!


Program Breakdown

Commences Tuesday 14th August 7pm

Each week we will have a group Zoom connection call together at 7pm AEST for 60 minutes, focused on the following topics:

Week one:
Where to start, common side effects, FAQs, supermarket swaps, how to prep your cupboards, shopping, plus Keto/MAD must haves

Week two:
Implementation weeks – where the magic happens! Q&A, herbs and spices, functional testing options

Week three:
You’ll be guided through the changes plus a check in call for additional support. Plus training on GAPS/ Medical Cannabis and more

Week four:
Reflection on what’s working and what needs tweaking to suit your family, adding in additional lifestyle support

Week five:
Where to from here, celebrating the wins and planning for the long term


And don’t worry – if you miss a call, there will be a recording.

This 5 week live group program takes you through these changes step-by-step, and includes:

Family friendly recipes

Personally curated MAD breakfasts/lunch/dinners and snack ideas

Weekly group Zoom connection calls

Private WhatsApp group to ask questions, share recipes and the journey between the catch ups

Weekly handouts and resources

Valued at over $1500

Your Investment $397

Meet your nutritionist

Sonya Reynolds, nutritionist and wellness coach portrait

I’m Sonya Reynolds, a degree certified Nutritionist and Life Coach with over 16 years of experience. I specialise in helping mums and their children work towards healthier lives, naturally.

I use a holistic approach to help my clients achieve their health and wellbeing goals by combining natural nutrition and wellness coaching. I help women of all ages and walks of life to reset, recalibrate and reinvigorate their lives through nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset.

Sydney, NSW